Curriculum Statement
At Dolton we believe in an enquiry led,connected and creative curriculum that is underpinned by a strong Christian ethos.
Each term the whole school embarks on a learning journey surrounding a core value and belief and asks big questions such as, 'what does this mean to me? What does this mean to my community? What does it mean to the world? How can I have a positive impact on the world?'
We listen to children and explore their thoughts and feelings surrounding the big questions and understand that this could take the learning off on a different route that the teacher had initially planned. We value child led learning because we understand that the best learning comes from when children are enthused and excited.
Our curriculum is equally weighted with a sharp focus on the progress of skills, knowledge and content and we measure these in a variety of ways over the year.
Learning Guarantee
All children within Dolton School will be entitled to certain core provision throughout the days, weeks and terms.
- Daily discrete core skills in English and Maths as outlined in the National Curriculum. These sessions will be purposeful and where possible, linked to learning across the curriculum.
- Discrete phonics or spelling teaching which follows a dyslexic friendly program me.
- Guided reading or access to the accelerated reading programme that is used to monitor and support he progress of reading in children.
- Collective worship, the themes of which are linked to the 'big questions' of the term and can be seen throughout the school environment.
- Opportunities to access Enhanced Provision, to learn in a range of ways and to make decisions about their learning.
- Access to a wide range of resources as provided by an enabling learning environment
- The opportunity to reflect on their learning
- Access to high quality, stimulating whole-class teaching and learning
- Access to focused interventions to both support and extend learning in core skills
- At least one small group guided session with the teacher in reading, writing, spelling and maths
- The opportunity to learn in a range of ways: collaboratively, independently, whole class, small group
- The opportunity to work alongside a range of pupils through flexible groupings
- Opportunity to celebrate achievements linked to learning powers and the school vision and values.
- Thematic, enquiry based learning with a hook and consistent “wow factor”.
- Creative and quality outcomes
- Blocked RE topics lasting at least two weeks per term.