Children make the best progress if their attendance is over 97% (less than six days absence per year).
Children with attendance of 90% are missing one month of school per year, and it will be difficult for them to achieve their best.
If a child’s attendance is less than 90% they are classed as ‘persistent absentees”, and it will be almost impossible for them to keep up with their work.
The school doors open at 8.45am and registration starts at 8.50am in classes. A child is late if they arrive after 09:00. If your child is absent from school for any reason it is vital that you contact the school office by 09:15. Failure to contact the school may result in the absence being classed as ‘unauthorised’. Please note that new Government legislation came into effect from September 2013. This removes the authority from Headteachers to authorise holidays during term time. Headteachers are only able to grant leave from school during term time in exceptional circumstances.
The following information is produced as the current guidance for schools to follow, and is produced by Babcock LDP.
Why does good attendance matter?
A good education can be the cornerstone for future life opportunities. Missing school can leave gaps in knowledge and understanding, and can also place the student at a disadvantage in both their educational development and, potentially, in their eventual GCSE success.
Beyond qualifications, going to school every day is crucial for a number of reasons;
- It is the best place for students to learn.
- It is good preparation for college or work. Colleges and employers expect a history of good attendance.
- Parents will know where their children are, and that they are safe.
- It is the Law.
- Leave has been requested, but the circumstances are such that the school is unable to authorise the leave (and the leave is still taken anyway).
- Leave is not requested and/or the school has grounds to believe that the child has been taken out of school for an avoidable reason (example – a family holiday, buying uniform, looking after a sibling). Sometimes, there have been occasions when schools have been notified that the pupil is sick, but the school discovers or reasonably believes that the reason given for the absence is not genuine.
- A child continually arrives late after the registration period has closed.
- The Head Teacher has the authority to unauthorise any absence that they feel is avoidable.
Attendance Policy
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