Swallows class are taught by Mr Robin Lewis and are supported by Mrs Donna Jennings.
Autumn 2018
Our learning theme:
This term our overriding learning theme is Stewardship. We will be addressing this by focusing on how we can help our environment and care for our world. This focus will include our school, our coast and the Earth. We will be reflecting upon stewardship in the Christian sense as well from an ecological point of view.
English | Our focus texts will be: Flotsam, The Paper Bag Prince and This Morning I Met a Whale.
Key writing styles: Poetry, narrative (description and settings), recounts and letter writing
How you can help: | By reading together and enjoying books whenever possible. Talking about environmental issues when they arise and thinking about ways you help in your own home. Encouraging your child to use IXL online (We will be promoting this a lot in class and I wouldn’t want them to feel left out!)
Maths | This term, we will be focussing on number and place value. This will lead into addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.
For more information on the methods we use check out: Maths Action Group MAG on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyd-NnYlrR2A9nt5VM9D9jw/featured
How you can help: | Use IXL as often as possible. Practise time tables as often as you can. Encourage thinking about maths in daily life i.e. shopping, telling the time etc.
Across the curriculum: | We will be thinking about how we can improve our global footprint in and around school. Looking at living things and their habitats. Creating with upcycled plastic and designing stained glass windows whilst looking at the work of artist Patrick Heron.
How you can help: | Send in any clean, clear plastic bottles that you are about to recycle.
Watch appropriate documentaries together about plastics in the ocean and the effects of humans on our environment.
Other additional notes and key dates
It is essential that your child has the following items in school every day: P.E. kit every day Book bag and reading record (I will check these on Fridays) A waterproof coat
· Parents evenings will take place the first week after half term; Tuesday 30th October · Harvest Festival will be held on Monday 8th October 2018 at Peters Marland Church · Our School Christmas Performance will be held on Thursday 20th December