The Clinton
May I take this opportunity to welcome you all back to a new academic year and hope that you have all had a wonderful summer break.
I am delighted and honoured to be appointed as the new Headteacher for The Clinton; I look forward to getting to know parents and the local communities that Clinton and Dolton serve. Since my appointment I have been able to come and meet with staff and pupils on a number of occasions and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Alford and Mrs Batten for supporting with the transition into post. Both have worked tirelessly over the last academic year within Clinton and Dolton Schools and I will endeavour to continue to improve on the good work that they have done already. Mrs Batten will be in and out of the schools as she continues to drive the MAT formation forward and I wish Mrs Alford every success in her new venture.
My philosophy for education is high aspirations and achievement for all. I hold a strong child-centred approach to teaching, where nurture, creativity, consistency, praise and encouragement yet challenge are key. Staff and I have already begun work on our Federation’s vision for education and the curriculum as I believe a shared view on what we are aiming for is key to ensure success in schools. I am also looking forward to hearing your views as well as your children’s on what you would like in the future for our schools and I will be sending out a letter in due course inviting you to a selection of meetings to share these views.
Parents make an important contribution to children’s achievements at school, and I want to develop the relationship between the school and parents for everyone’s benefit. From my experience as a senior leader in a variety of schools over the years, I know that a successful and happy school depends on all of us working together.
Finally, I would like to thank staff for preparing the environment and learning ready for this academic year. The teachers have planned exciting and engaging lessons which I am sure you will all enjoy. Each class will be sending out a newsletter with key learning themes and important dates for the diary shortly.
I look forward to meeting you all throughout this next term.
Mrs Rachael Sharpe
Mrs R Sharpe : Headteacher
Vision Statement for the Clinton
To ensure that all pupils are given the opportunity to learn in a challenging, creative and Christian environment.
Through this, individuals will be empowered to make a positive contribution and enabled to achieve their full potential.
Mission & Ethos Statement
We believe that education should be a journey that fosters a love of learning, where every child is supported and challenged to achieve their full potential. We aim to create a respectful and caring environment based on Christian values as exemplified in the ‘Every Child Matters to God’ agenda, through which we encourage children to grow spiritually and become independent learners.
We endeavour to provide rich and diverse experiences that enable all children to develop a deep social, moral, spiritual and cultural awareness. We aspire for our children to become individuals who are well equipped to become responsible citizens of the future.
School Aims
- To provide a caring, safe environment for all of our children and staff
- To offer a high standard of education for every child
- To offer a broad, balanced curriculum
- To promote the development of the whole child
- To promote Christian values and an awareness and understanding of other religions
- To encourage parents/carers to engage positively with their child’s education
- To provide a quality learning environment that promotes high standards
- To promote positive links with the school’s community
Safeguarding @ The Clinton
We believe that School should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating learning environment that promotes the fair and just principles of British values to support the social, emotional, physical and moral development of each child.
Federation News
Clinton Primary

Dolton Primary

Key Contacts
Mrs. Rachael Sharpe BEd (Hons)
Mrs L Paiano - Administrator
Mrs T Cornish - Administrator
Chair of the Local Schools Committee
Mrs Jennie Earlam
To contact the Local Schools Committee please email: